Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Jan 2019 Results: +1.39% Active Return vs S&P 500

After the previous month saw sinking indexes, January 2019 went better in terms of stock prices. The Optarix US portfolio again performed better than the S&P 500. For the twelve months ending 31 Jan 2019, the S&P dropped by -4.24% while our portfolio dropped -2.85%. As a result the active return was +1.39% for those twelve months.

We are quite pleased with this result. Again, the Optarix US portfolio performed better than the broad market. Again there was no change in the composition of our holdings. As mentioned previously we anticipate the next action to happen in Q2 or Q3 of this year. Most like that move will add one position to the portfolio.

Please note that we calculate returns after fees and taxes. Since your tax situation might be different and since you may have a different cost structure, your number may deviate from our results.

We'll continue to stick with our set of rules. Doing so takes biases and emotions out of the picture. Also, we don't believe that we will be able to "time" the market. Instead over time we will buy shares at times at favorable prices and at other times we may see a drop in the share price. That is of no concern to us as it will be on paper only. Our preferred holding period is "indefinitely". Therefore the actual share price is of no consequence once we started a position.

As with all rules there can be an exception. Let's assume we create a position at a price of $50 per share. If after a longer period of time, let's say 6, 12 or 18 months, the share price of that position has dropped significantly, we may add to that position if we continue to be convinced that the business in question is an excellent long-term investment.

We started publishing about our Optarix US Portfolio in January last year with announcing the results for the 12 months ending 31 Jan 2018. This means we are now in a position to also announce the results for the 2 years ending 31 Jan 2019. In those 24 months the S&P 500 increased by 8.93% annually while the Optarix US Portfolio grew by 11.46% annually. That's an annualized active return of 2.53%. The past yearly results were already encouraging. This first data point for a 2 year period indicates that the Optarix US Portfolio might be doing better than the S&P 500 over 2-year-periods as well.

Happy Investing!